YAY! It’s Friday! I’m sitting here watching three hummingbirds fight over the two feeders outside my home office window. The little things in life that make me smile 😊
I woke up during the night with a major headache and it lingered on for a good while. Needless to say that exercising was not on the radar this morning. My mind kept telling me that I must do it, no excuses, but my body was saying the opposite. I sat there having my coffee going down that dark death thinking path again. Questioning myself, thinking about how I want to write down little tidbits of my day because maybe that will help me find that something that I am searching for. I know that God created me to live an abundant life and to have joy, but why is it so difficult for me to find out what brings me that joy? You know, well maybe you don’t know, but when my grandchildren were young, their little faces would light up and they would look at me with starry eyes as they ran to me. Now that brought me joy! In reading the book “Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You”, it’s really made me look at some things deeper than I have in a while. Sometimes that’s a scary place but I know that it’s also where healing begins – from the inside out.
Lots to do today as we head out to spend the weekend with Scott’s mom. So I decided to take extras of my little magic pills full of fruits, vegetables and berries to get that inflammation out and it worked! Better late than never right?