Life Happens

Have you ever questioned yourself? I do. Maybe more than I need to. Lately my life has been so upside down that I really don’t know what to do. If I tell people what is going on, what will they think? How about the church? Am I not suppose to be the perfect Christian person? Who decides who and what makes a perfect Christian person? And would you believe that when I wrote “christian” the spell check made me correct it with a capital letter “C”!!! I am so sorry but I have to say my peace here. A Christian does not mean that someone reads their Bible every single day and can quote scripture. I know to many “christians” who read their Bible every day and can quote scripture after scripture, but do they live it? No way! If that’s a christian why on earth would I want to be one? I have seen this in people. I would much rather be a Christ follower than be a “Christian” or a “religious” person. No, I am not a perfect person, but Jesus did not go after the perfect, He went after the sinners. And oh my word! Believe me when I say that I am a sinner. I thank God every Sunday when I step into His house for the sins I have committed during the week. They may be little sins or big sins, doesn’t matter, it’s a sin. It is so awesome that I can go the One Who forgives so that I can start over. I always pray that I will be a better person tomorrow than I was today.

No wonder people don’t go to church. They think that Christ followers are suppose to be perfect. NO NO NO, it is a place for sinners. Why on earth would Jesus have gone after Paul, Peter, John, and the other disciples? They definitely were not perfect and neither am I. That’s what is so great about His saving grace. We ARE forgiven!!!

I really didn’t have a “written agenda” for this post. Just can’t sleep and thought that I would let my thoughts be put down on paper……well, on the computer. Life is wonderful if we let it be and it can stink if we let it be. I just want my choice to be wonderful. Sometimes it’s just hard as hell, but I must press on. I just pray that God leads me down the patch that He has already chosen for me.

God bless you all,
