She’s got Legs and…

Apparently does not know how to use them! 😂

Three weeks ago, a couple of friends and I went to Lake Burton for a day. After seeing how low the lake was, we decided not to do a kinda “Polar Jump”. It was a beautiful, sunny day, a little chilly and windy, but sitting in the sun felt really good.

Snacks are a must at the lake and we had plenty of them. Ahhhhh, fresh air, conversation, laughter, tears and relaxation. Who could ask for anything more! Peace at its best!

Never underestimate the distance between the dock and the water when reaching for something is one thing that I will never forget! 😳Falling in was, for one, very cold🥶, second, very painful😵‍💫. One foot in the mud and one on a log 🪵. Needless to say, the pain was excruciating! Once out of the water, and up lots of stairs with help, some on my butt pulling myself backwards with my arms ( when in pain who remembers that there is a driveway down to the lake🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️) not me! We finally make it to the top!

ER here we come. I kept apologizing to my friends for “ruining” our day. Isn’t it amazing how guilt and shame seem to wiggle their way into our minds? I didn’t do anything wrong, I had an accident, however, the enemy uses everything he can to keep us in darkness instead of joy.

I had been praying for direction in some areas of my life, not clarity because my lenses may be foggy. Seeing this as God’s plan to be still in His presence has certainly quieted my mind and helped me focus with clearer vision.

Two broken bones 🦴 and a dislocated ankle. Surgery time. I don’t quite feel like bionic woman but my ankle now has hardware in it. I could sit here and feel sorry for myself, but have chosen to see each day as a day closer to healing. For someone who has a difficult time receiving, I’ve embraced friends and family who have stopped by with meals, flowers, cards and balloons. Most of all the prayers. Oh the prayers have been felt deep within.

When I close my eyes at night, feeling the pain, I think of the excruciating pain that Jesus went through. He was human when He went through it. He knows. He’s with me, He’s Jehovah Rapha and I stand in His promises.

Now, three more weeks and Ill get to start physical therapy. Until then, I’ve got legs but I have to stay off of one of them! Another good thing, my left ankle is getting stronger!😀

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